In the film Soylent green, despicable elites serve up the recycled remains of the dead and imprisoned. But would our own elites have the audacity to serve up human flesh and call it vegan? This incredible possibility has been pointed out by Twitter researcher Jikkyleaks.
The story begins in a research building with no windows for the company that sits across the road from planned parenthood. Do you see where this is going? The research building owned by the aptly named "Impossible Foods" - a company that claims to have done the impossible - created a plant-based, lab-grown product that tastes just like real animal meat. To understand why this is such an achievement we have to go into some background of the history of lab-grown meat.

Pictured: The location of "Impossible Foods" windowless premises opposite Planned Parenthood - East Oakland. Google Maps review says, "Be careful there are a lot of evil people that work here."
You see lab-grown meat is an offshoot of research into growing human tissue for organ transplants. The research was then applied to growing animal meat in the lab. You take the blood from aborted calves (fetal bovine serum), put them in a petri dish, give them the right nutrients and they'll grow into something like a steak. There's no way to grow lab meat and have it taste like real meat without using these aborted fetuses - it has to do with this apparently simple molecule known as hemoglobin. According to Jikkyleaks, this molecule is too complicated to synthesize because there are a whole bunch of diseases where it goes wrong. Scientists have been trying unsuccessfully for decades to reproduce it.

Pictured: The hemoglobin molecule is too complicated to synthesize.
But "Impossible meats" has done the impossible: found a way to grow tasty meats just using plants. This is an amazing discovery because it means you can market the same product to vegans as well as non-vegans who prefer the taste of real meat. Vegans, who abhor cruelty to animals - and make no mistake aborted fetuses experience an incredible amount of pain, they are kept alive to ensure blood quality and only die after their blood has been drained from a needle through the heart - these vegans will eat these plant-based, "Impossible meats" while they would steer clear of those lab meats that require the slaughter of cows.
At the center of this too-good-to-be-true story is Dr. Rachel Fraser. Her story is very reminiscent of Elizabeth Holmes: young genius does the impossible, and we know how that story turned out: complete bullshit. But this genius, who was able to find the holy grail of medicine, has only published 3 papers, and these papers are all for "Impossible Foods". She's a ghost, there's only one photo of her that I can find.
Pictured: Fraser (Ph.D. 2011, Rine lab) is a director of research at Impossible Foods.
So consider the other possibility: this company couldn't figure out how to grow tasty, plant-based meat, and instead used human fetal cells from across the road. They even invented a straw man - or woman in this case - perhaps to make it harder for anyone to actually ask the research director hard questions. And of course, they can advertise their product uses "no animal hormones" - because it's using human fetuses instead!
Now "Impossible Foods" has issued patents for their synthetic hemoglobin they claim is derived from Soybeans. But there are plenty of fanciful patents, it means nothing. What matters is what is going on in that windowless research facility across the road from Planned Parenthood.
I'm reminded of the story of the Satanic cult leader and cannibal Jorge Negromonte who fed pastries to neighbors and police containing human flesh. Or child molester and child killer Nathaniel Bar Jonah. He gave his neighbors strange-tasting "potted meat" which turned out to be, you guessed it, human flesh. Definitely not kosher.
But surely if this "Impossible meats" product has gone to market the FDA must've done their due diligence and investigated the labs to make sure there was nothing suss going on? Surely they would've made sure there wasn't an underground conveyor belt from planned parenthood serving up aborted fetuses as primer for this ghoulish product? But in all honestly, can we trust Government regulators who have been shown to green-light the poisons they call mRNA vaccines? I think the answer is "Hell no!"
Now to be fair this is all just speculation at this point. There have been no human DNA tests performed on the "Impossible meats" products to confirm or deny this theory. But with these engineered food crises, some of them apparently anthrax attacks on cattle, we need to be vigilant of the elite serving us up "Impossible meats". They're going to force everyone to eat these meats one day because they say it will stop so-called global warming.

Pictured: Is there an engineered food crisis in America?
These elite love to rub it in our faces about what they're doing. They taunt us with their crimes while maintaining the thinnest of plausible deniability. Check out this icecream ad that features self-cannibalism. Remove the word icecream from the script and you get:
"I eat little babies ... it keeps me young... when you eat little babies ... you'll wink and nod and high-five each other. This is a special time".
Of course they'll say this is just clever advertising, turning outrage into clicks. It's pure evil disguised as viral marketing. Likewise, look at the packaging of this Impossible meat. It says "Burger made from plants - IMPOSSIBLE". It's almost like they're telling you it's not made from plants.
Pictured: Are they telling us a plant based burger is impossible?
Historically of course the myth of eating bread mixed with the blood of children was 'blood libel' directed at Jews. In medieval times, a Jewish cult, known as the Sabbateans, which was into "redemption through sin" (orgies and demonic worship), to take the heat off themselves, created this myth that Jews were mixing blood of children with bread. But there definitely were ancient cults such as the Babylonians that practiced cannabilism and child sacrifice. When the settlers first came to what would be later known as Jekyll Island, they saw giants who would hack babies' heads off and spill their blood on the altar as part of their rituals. Jekyll island was later famous for the location of the meeting that was held to establish the Federal Reserve.
Could the deranged elite feeding us "Impossible meats" be initiating us into their bizarre cult? Can you really be a moral person if you've inadvertently eaten food made from baby blood?
I know that I won't touch anything grown in a lab. End of story.
It keeps coming back to that famous line: "Soylent Greed is made of PEOPLE!"
We, HUMANS with working brains, are incredibly powerful. Solutions to this criminal chaotic cabal crime scene: DON'T BUILD IT. DON'T FUND IT. DONT OPERATE IT. DONT WORK FOR IT. DON'T BUY IT. DONT TRANSPORT IT. DONT STOCK IT. DONT EAT IT.